Reinforced Earth in Hong Kong - Expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction.


The Reinforced Earth company (RECO USA) at Geoamericas 2016!

2020-01-10T19:04:01+00:00April 10th, 2016|Events|

Hosted by the North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS), the North American Chapter of the International Geosynthetics, the 3rd Pan-American Regional Conference on Geosynthetics is held in Miami, Florida. From April 10th to 13th, The Reinforced Earth Company will present its technical solutions and know how during the exhibition. Come [...]

Terre Armée at the XV PCSMGE in Buenos Aires

2020-01-10T19:04:16+00:00November 9th, 2015|Events|

The 15th PCSMGE (Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering) will be held from November 15th to 18th at the Hilton Buenos Aires in Argentina. This show is an opportunity for Terre Armée to showcase its expertise in reinforced backfill applications and in soil-structure interaction. In order to know [...]

Terre Armée at the 15th ARC 2015 in Fukuoka

2020-01-10T19:05:30+00:00November 2nd, 2015|Events|

The 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering will be held in Fukuoka, from November 9th to 13th at the Fukuoka International Congress Center. The theme of this edition will be "New Innovations and Sustainability". To learn more about the different techniques and applications in [...]

Terre Armée at WRC 2015 in Seoul

2020-01-10T19:06:23+00:00October 27th, 2015|Events|

The 25th World Road Congress will be held in Seoul, from November 2nd to 6th at the Coex convention center. The focus of this edition will be on "Roads and Mobility - Creating New Value from Transport". To learn more about the different techniques and applications in which Terre [...]

Terre Armee at the 25th ICOLD congress from june 13rd to 20th

2020-01-14T10:42:28+00:00June 10th, 2015|Events|

The 25th Congress of the International Commission on Large Dams will take place in Norway and represents an opportunity for Terre Armee to showcase its expertise in dams and hydraulic structures. Stop by our booth #35 at Stavanger Forum! For more information, browse our brochure Dams and Reservoirs. [...]

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